Monday, October 25, 2010

Neophytes Path

The first brew:

On May 31st we stepped off the cliff of normalcy and became the brewers we brag about today.  Our first beer, Dry Hopped Red Pale Ale, was quite an experience.  The preparation and learning was a curve, but our first beer was deemed a success by both us and our fellow testers. Beer brewing is not for the fly by the seat of your pants kind of guy. There is much more science, practice and learning curve to it. We certainly have something to learn about brewing craft beer, but that is what this journey is all about. So we invite you to join us as we brew, drink and explore the world of beer brewing. I am sure we will make mistakes and have set backs in our journey, but what is a journey without a bit of adventure. So sit back, reach for your favorite brew (as long as it isn't one of those bland mass produced ones) and join us for this incredible journey into the life of Brew.

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